My First 10k Run Experience - MILO Run 2023

Where to begin with my first 10k Run experience? 🏃‍♂️

From barely being able to run a kilometer without feeling like I was dying to conquering a whole 10k marathon! (But ofc still feeling like dying)🏃‍♀️💨  

So, there I was, a regular person deciding to try this whole running thing. Imagine a superhero origin story, but with more sweat and NO cape, at all.

Embarking on my first 10k run was more than a physical journey; it was a proof of perseverance, self-discovery, and the dauntless spirit within. As the sun shone in early morning, me and my #1 running coach and also my biggest support during the training laced up our running shoes, nerves and excitement stroked in. 

There were moments when my breath felt like a steam engine and my legs like jelly, but those were the moments that defined the journey. The gradual progression from struggling to run a mile to conquering the full 10k distance was a testament to the power of consistent effort.

My First 10k Run Experience! - MILO Run 2023

Training became my weekly routine, turning each run into a small victory and each drop of sweat into a badge of determination. Some days felt like conquering mountains, while others were more like stumbling over pebbles. The road to 10k was paved with early mornings and late nights, a playlist filled with motivational tunes, and the constant pep talks I gave myself. My Asics shoes became my partners in crime, witnessing the transformation from someone who used to avoid stairs to a budding runner with a goal.

When the 10k day came, the training sessions became not just a physical workout but a mental preparation. Visualizing the finish line became my secret weapon, and the mental toughness gained during training turned into a valuable asset on the big day.  

As the finish line approached, my legs turned into noodles, and my breath sounded exactly like gorilla. But guess what? I did it! Crossed that finish line with a victory leap that probably made me look more like a crazy old lady. I may not be breaking any speed records, but I'm officially a 10k champ with a medal that feels like pure gold. I win and the medal hanging around my neck was a symbol of victory over my own laziness.

My First 10k Run Experience! - MILO Run 2023

So here's to my first 10k run—filled with laughter, colorful views, and a newfound appreciation for the mix of fun and fitness. Running turned out to be a lot more entertaining than I thought. Who knew? Certainly not me, the former couch enthusiast turned 10k explorer!"

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Halo, terima kasih sudah berkunjung!♥

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